So, I got my iPod Touch today. I was a little surprised it already got here, but hey I'm not complaining :p
It's suuuper cool though. God, how I just love all kinds of gadgets... and the plastic smell they have when they're just taken out of the box. Haha. I'm serious though.
And I'm really happy it has a speaker so I can listen to music without plugging earphones in, too.

And that's all.
Oh my, I've been such a horrible blogger lately, but I found this amaaazing fiction and I just need to read it. I've been reading it whole day yet I'm only halfway through.
And I also downloaded 3OH!3's latest album called Streets Of Gold (was realeased in 2010 though). Man, I can't belive I haven't downloaded it before...
Déjà Vu is awesome~