tule võta mu aega, sest aega mul on
tule vaatame taeva seal midagi on
palju muud mul ei ole, kuid aega mul on
tõesti aega mul sinu jaoks on
või kui tahame varakult ärkame
lähme õue ja kevadet märkame
lähme metsa ja sambla seest tärkame
tõesti aega mul sinu jaoks on

Only old picture I found from my computer right now.
Going to let my mum scan some old pictures and then I can post them here too, yay!
I miss being at my grandmother's place in Tartu.
And I miss my dad so much right now. Just talked for almost half an hour with him on the phone. I haven't been at home so I haven't seen any of my family members in two weeks.
I mean, I miss mum too of course. I get along really well with both of my parents (most of the time lol) and I sometimes go out for like an hour long walk with my mum at night and we would talk about absolutely everyyything, but I've always been really close with my dad. I know some people don't like tell their parent a lot of stuff, but I think I've never had that problem. I've always told my parents where I'm going and who I'm going with and they're cool with it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've never been much of a rebel, I have never been the type of a person who spends their weekends drinking and partying and whatever. I mean yeah, I do go out, but I also like being at home and playing Scrabble with my family on a Friday night.
So yup, I miss them and tomorrow I'm going home and we're going to play enough Scrabble for the last weekend too.
I love youuu all.